Our Double Ladder Wood Shelving for the 5 shelf is for sale in this listing for crafting your displays. This listing is for the plank wood only. You can order the Shelf Unit
Our shelf boards are pine boards that we can stain or paint to fit your decor. It is more economical for you to purchase them at your local lumber yard but we are happy to help you with this project.
The top will be 24" long x 13" wide - one board 5.5" wide and the other 7.5" wide. The 2nd shelf is 36" long with one board 7.5" wide and the other 7.5". The 3rd is 48" x 15" and will be two 7.5" boards. The 4th will be 48" x 17" and be one 9.5" board and one 7.5" board.