Our customers have asked us to help them build arbors, and we convert old ladders into an arbor / arch in this case. The main picture is showing it in a vintage brown color and makes a great rustic wedding setting. View our other pictures to see a ladder arbor used in a woodsy decor.
We used three - 7 rung antique ladders to make this structure. They are braced together with 2 metal brackets at the top. These antique ladders have paint drippings from years of painting projects around farm houses and construction. We can paint it a solid color or dry brush it for a more rustic look that shows the wood and natural state.
If you'd like to make an arbor narrower, we can change the 7 rung to another size. We can adjust the total cost when you decide the size that you need.
These arbors make great wedding arbors! Do call us and let us help you with your project.